Trending Degenerative News:
- The anatomical feasibility of anterior intra- and extra-bifurcation approaches to L5-S1: an anatomic study based on lumbar MRI
- Response to Letter to the Editor regarding, “Outcomes in surgical treatment for tandem spinal stenosis: systematic literature review”
- Letter to the editor: Management of lumbar spondylolysis in the adolescent athlete: a review of over 200 cases by Choi et al.
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- Centinel Spine announces 500th procedure with prodisc C Vivo and prodisc C SK cervical total disc replacement system
- Letter to the editor regarding, “Management of lumbar spondylolysis in the adolescent athlete: a review of over 200 cases” by Choi et al
- ISSLS Prize in Bioengineering Science 2023: Age- and sex-related differences in lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration between patients with chronic low back pain and asymptomatic controls
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- Letter to the editor regarding, “Outcomes in surgical treatment for tandem spinal stenosis: systematic literature review”
- Curiteva announces FDA 510(k) clearance for Inspire 3D porous PEEK HAFUSE cervical interbody system
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